Des champions en démonstration au Palais des Sports de Cahors


Le gala des arts martiaux sera l’occasion d’accueillir des grands noms du sport : Après le succès de sa troisième édition en 2010, le gala de la 4ème édition des arts Martiaux revient le 29 janvier. Assistez à des démonstrations et découvrez des disciplines spectaculaires et parfois méconnues comme la capoeira ou le Kendo, en compagnie de stars des sports de combats. Cet évènement a été pensé, d’une part, pour fédérer les différentes associations ayant pour objet la pratique des arts martiaux et des sports pieds-poings autour d’un évènement commun ; et d’autre part, pour servir de vitrine aux différentes écoles de la Communauté de communes de Cahors et de la région Midi-Pyrénées.

Tel un jardinier qui rassemble toutes les fleurs pour que son jardin soit harmonieux, Nicolas Happ (CN2) et sa sympathique équipe ont concocté une programmation qui accueille tous les styles (ou presque) du sport dit de combat de la Corée du Sud. Mais de combat il n’y aura point, il s’agira plutôt de démonstrations des plus grands maîtres de différentes disciplines. Organisé par l’Hwarang T.D.K en partenariat avec la Mairie de Cahors, ce gala s’enrichit cette année de sept nouvelles disciplines.


Disciplines présentes : Karaté, Taekwondo, Judo, Boxe française, l’art martial Jiujitsu Brésilien (nouveau), Hapkido, Tai Chi Chuan, Haidong Gumdo (nouveau), Wing Tsun, Escrima (nouveau), Son Mudo, Viet Vo Dao, (nouveau), Kung-Fu Shaolin (nouveau), Capoïera (nouveau) est un art martial afro-brésilien, la capoeira est une pratique spectaculaire et esthétique qui puise ses racines dans les méthodes de combat et les danses des peuples béninois du temps de l’esclavage au Brésil. Kendo, (nouveau).

 Autre nouveauté, 250 démonstrateurs ont été invités à venir participer à cette grande fête sportive avec Grand Maître Raphaël COUET, 6ème dan de HAPKIDO Jin Jung Kwan, représentant de la discipline en France accompagné de l’équipe nationale de démonstration.

 Maître Frédéric FOUBERT, 3ème dan de SON MUDO, représentant européen de la discipline. Thierry ALIBERT, multiple champion d’Europe de TAI CHI CHUAN Ghislain Nzeh Ndong et l’école Long Tao de Toulouse pour le Kung-Fu Shaolin.

Ils feront des démonstrations respectivement de judo, de taekwondo et de karaté. Un animateur sera présent tout au long de la soirée pour faire apprécier au public ces différentes pratiques. Tout comme en 2010, des compétiteurs de haut niveau viendront fouler les tatamis pour votre plus grand plaisir.

Renseignements au 06 89 04 82 04 /06 07 94 93 06 ou

Osvaldo Villar


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Le coq marans du Boissiérien Jean Jacques Daubié gagne le 32ème concours National de Toulouse !

Cocoricooo au concours de Colombophilie, Colombiculture et aviculture

Christian Raoust est président de la Société des aviculteurs du Midi. Il a organisé et présidé la 32e Exposition nationale à la Grande Halle de l’Union. Il raconte sa passion et le détail de ce concours un peu inattendu.

Antonio Neves, Jean Jacques Daubié et le Président Christian Raoust.

« J’ai toujours aimé les animaux, explique Christian Raoust. J’ai 58 ans et il y a plus de trente ans que je suis président. Je n’ai jamais ressenti la moindre lassitude ». Tout démarre pour ce dernier en s’occupant de la basse-cour de la maison familiale : « À l’époque, mon père travaillait à l’Onia (AZF), nous étions modestes. Alors, pour avoir de ‘argent de poche et faire des économies, nous avions un potager et quelques volailles ». Il poursuit : « Mon amour des animaux m’a conduit tout directement à m’occuper de la basse-cour. J’aimais cela, c’était une tâche quotidienne qui m’enchantait ».

Cocoricoôôô !! !

Au fil des années, Christian se met à arpenter les marchés du Ravelin et de Saint-Aubin : « Là, j’ai découvert que des animaux de race existaient aussi chez les volailles et chez les oiseaux de basse-cour. Peu à peu je me suis passionné pour cet univers ». Christian Raoust rejoint alors le monde des concours en 1968 et en 1969 il expose ses propres animaux : « A 18 ans, je deviens secrétaire général de la société des aviculteurs et à 22 ans, je passe l’examen de juge colombicole ». Il sera l’un des plus jeunes juges de France. La présidence de la Société des aviculteurs viendra ensuite. Aujourd’hui, Christian Raoust est aussi passionné que durant ses jeunes années : « Je possède un grand terrain et je continue à élever des poules. Quel bonheur de consommer des œufs loin du supermarché ! ». Il ne tarit pas d’éloges pour décrire la saveur d’un lièvre belge, « à la chair si tendre » ou celle des poules gasconnes « si goûteuse ».

Les canards, les dindons, faisans et autres canards seront au rendez-vous. Christian Raoust se fera un plaisir de raconter les péripéties des pigeons voyageurs d’Antonio Neves et les poules et coq marans de Jean Jacques Daubié dont le coq a été déclaré champion de la 32ème  Exposition Nationale à L’Union de même qu’une de ses belles poules marans. Ils sont sa fierté et il continue à prendre soin de ses animaux.

Parmi ces stars, n’oublions pas les pigeons texans qui ont aussi été primés et il y avait pas moins de 700 espèces, classées selon leur forme, leur couleur, et leur plumage. Ce plumage qui peut se définir de différentes sortes : cravate de plumes, coquille de plumes, ou encore boulants pour les pigeons amoureux qui font gonfler leurs plumes au moment des amours.

Les pigeons de race texan d’Antonio Neves classés 9ème de France !

Autre point fort de ces deux jours, le lâcher de pigeons avec présentation et vidéo sur le rôle et les fonctions de ces oiseaux pas tout à fait comme les autres et seuls animaux à avoir reçu la Légion d’Honneur pour les actions durant la guerre de 14-18. Quelle est leur place à l’heure d’Internet ?

Là aussi, existe plusieurs catégories d’oiseaux : pigeons dits « de fantaisie » pour la qualité et la couleur de leur plumage. Pigeons dits « de sport », en fond, demi-fond ou spring, classés selon la distance accomplie.

Il faut savoir que ces pigeons peuvent couvrir de 1000 à 1500 km. Véritables athlètes, ils sont confrontés à un vrai entraînement et reçoivent soins et nourriture appropriés à leur condition de sportif. Les acteurs y voient un bon signe pour la biodiversité de Boissières et du Lot.

Nuit des Arts Martiaux Cadurciens Samedi 29 janvier Palais des sports de Cahors

Nuit des Arts Martiaux Cadurciens

Photos © Osvaldo Villar (OGV). Maître Nicolas HAPP ceinture noire 2ème Dan et Alain SAN JUAN élu en charge des sports à la Mairie de Cahors. 

Samedi 29 janvier 2011 au Palais des Sports de Cahors

Le HWARANG T.K.D organise pour la 4èmeannée consécutive, la nuit des arts martiaux cadurciens. Elle aura lieu au Palais des Sports de Cahors le samedi 29 janvier prochain à partir de 20h.

Photo © Osvaldo Villar (OGV) démonstration de l’école de HWARANG TDK Lotoise.

Cet évènement a été pensé, d’une part, pour fédérer les différentes associations ayant pour objet la pratique des arts martiaux et des sports pieds-poings autour d’un évènement commun ; et d’autre part, pour servir de vitrine aux différentes écoles de la communauté de communes de Cahors.


La soirée qui débutera à 20h pour se terminer aux alentours de 23h30 est placée sous le signe de la nouveauté avec de nombreuses disciplines participant pour la 1èrefois à cet évènement.

Ainsi sera mis en avant : le Jujitsu brésilien, le Haidong Gumdo art du sabre traditionnel coréen, la Capoïera à la fois danse et art martial brésilien, le Kendo, le Viet Vo Dao…

Durant plus de trois heures, 15 écoles d’arts martiaux présenteront tour à tour leurs disciplines dans un show son et lumière.

Cette soirée s’adresse aussi bien aux amateurs d’arts martiaux qu’aux non-initiés. Il s’agit d’un véritable spectacle pour toute la famille…


Par le nombre et la diversité de disciplines représentées ainsi que la présence de plusieurs champions et grands maîtres, la nuit des arts martiaux cadurciens est devenue un évènement majeur en la matière au niveau régional.

150 combattants du Grand-Ouest sont attendus à Cahors. Une compétition qui est aussi une opération séduction.

Trois questions à…


Photos © Osvaldo Villar (OGV). Démonstration de l’école de HWARANG  T.D.K et  miettes des planches cassées !

 Disciplines présentes :








-HAIDONG GUMDO (nouveau !)


-ESCRIMA (nouveau !)


-VIET VO DAO (nouveau !)

-KUNG-FU SHAOLIN (nouveau !)

-CAPOIERA (nouveau !)

-KENDO (nouveau !)

Une affiche exceptionnelle :

-Grand Maître Raphaël COUET, 6èmedan de HAPKIDO Jin Jung Kwan, représentant de la discipline en France accompagné de l’équipe nationale de démonstration.

 -Maître Frédéric FOUBERT, 3èmedan de SON MUDO, représentant européen de la discipline. 

-Thierry ALIBERT, multiple champion d’Europe de TAI CHI CHUAN

-Ghislain Nzeh Ndong et l’école Long Tao de Toulouse pour le Kung-Fu Shaolin.

Renseignements au 06 89 04 82 04 /06 07 94 93 06 ou

Places en prévente dès le 15 janvier à l’agence de voyages Thomas Cook, boulevard Gambetta à Cahors au prix de 8€/adulte et 6€/enfant.


Ecole d’arts martiaux coréens

17, rue Jean Giraudoux – 46000 CAHORS

TEL: 06 89 04 82 04  – mail : – site :

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Bonne et Heureuse Année 2011

I wanted to take this opportunity of wishing you a prosperous New Year and Happy New Millennium! Alors que 2010 se termine et que la nouvelle année est proche, OGV-Communication vous souhaite ses meilleurs vœux de fin d’année. Pour tous, veuillez accepter nos meilleurs vœux pour une heureuse et prospère nouvelle année 2011. Meilleurs vœux de Santé, Paix, Joie, et Bonheur. Feliz y próspero año nuevo 2011 !
Chinese (Cantonese) Gung hay fat Choy (a New Year greeting meaning, « May you become prosperous. ») Sun nien fai lok (meaning, « Happy new year »)/ Chinese (Mandarin) Xin nian yu kuai
Danish Godt Nytar/Dutch Gelukkig nieuwjaar/Farsi Aide shoma mobarak/French Bonne année/
Gaelic Aith-bhliain Fe Nhaise Dhuit/German Gutes Neues Jahr/Hawaiian Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrew Shanah tovah/Hmong Nyob zoo xyoo tshiab/Indonesian/ elamat Tahun Baru/Italian
Buon Capo d’Anno/Japanese Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu/Norwegian Godt Nyttar/Pilipino (Tagalog)/Maligayang Bagong Taon/Polish Szczesliwego Nowego roku/Portuguese Feliz ano novo
RomanianLa Multi Ani /Russian S Novym Godom/Spanish Feliz Año Nuevo/Sudanese Wilujeng Tahun Baru/ Swedish Gott Nytt Ar/TurkisYeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun/Welsh Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
Very truly, yours
Osvaldo Villar

Concert Exceptionnel Sauvegarde du Patrimoine

Bonjour, Je m’adresse à vous car je participe à l’organisation d’un concert de chant d’un grand talent Lotois et je voudrais l’aider et aider l’association ARAEM pour la restauration et conservation de l’église de Mercuès. Pour les artistes c’est primordial qu’il y ait du public. Je vous prie donc de bien vouloir m’aider à diffuser le présent communiqué autour de vous. Je vous remercie d’avance pour la bonne attention que vous réserverez à ma demande et je vous souhaite de passer un Joyeux et Heureux Noël. Entrée Libre. SVP, pourriez-vous faire passer l’information autour de vous, mailing, amis, mairies, OT du Grand Cahors, Merci infiniment. Et Joyeux Noël avec paix, joie, et le bonheur du partage.Bien Cordialement, Osvaldo Villar  Concert exceptionnel de la Conservation du Patrimoine et découvertes des mélodies de Gabriel Fauré et de Reynaldo Hahn Pierre Perny, une grande voix française à l’église de Mercuès  Pierre Perny chantera le dimanche 26 décembre en l’église de Mercuès. Sa voix magique, le prédestinait à une carrière musicale. Il peut maintenant exercer son art (et son métier) à travers ses projets de concerts. Diplômé d’Études Musicales « spécialisation chant baroque » obtenu après quatre années d’études comme Chantre du Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles (formation professionnelle de chanteur).Après plusieurs concerts donnés à Versailles, Pierre Perny et Caroline Delbreil professeur médaillée du Conservatoire National de Région de (piano) se produisent pour un Récital exceptionnel à l’Église de Mercuès.Au programme de ce Récital : Les œuvres de la mélodie française de Gabriel Fauré en première partie et les mélodies du compositeur chef d’orchestre vénézuélien et critique musical au Figaro Reynaldo Hahn.  (Il est venu en France dès l’âge de 3 ans où il étudie la musique avec Jules Massenet, Lavignac, et Dubois). Il chantait lui-même au piano avec beaucoup de sensibilité et d’esprit ; Il devient le directeur de l’opéra de Paris en 1945.  1°partie: Gabriel FauréClair de lune- Le Voyageur-L’absent-En prière-Spleen-Sylvie-La Sérénade du Bourgeois Gentilhomme-Noël 2°partie: Reynaldo HahnA Chloris-Quand le nuit n’est pas étoilée-Le rossignol des lilas-L’énamourée-Mai-3 jours de vendange-Nocturne-RêveriePierre Perny, souhaite se produire pour son fidèle public du Grand Cahors en venant à l’église chanter à l’initiative de l’ARAEM (Association pour la Restauration, l’Animation de l’Église de Mercuès) et il fait honneur aux Mercuésiens dans le cadre de « Découvertes de la Musique Classique et Conservation du Patrimoine de Mercuès », dimanche 26 décembre prochain, à 16 heures à l’église de Mercuès où il y a une très belle crèche avec l’une de plus belles voix de France. Entrée libre. 

Le remaniement vu par les journalistes


Le remaniement vu par les personnalités politiques girondines

Jean-Paul Garraud député UMP réagit sur la composition du nouveau gouvernement sur son blog.  

De nombreuses personnalités politiques girondines d’opposition ont réagi sur leur blog ou sur leur site Internet au remaniement du gouvernement effectué par Nicolas Sarkozy dimanche. Quelques UMP ont également donné leur avis, mais ils sont peu nombreux à être présents sur Internet.

  • Le député UMP Jean-Paul Garraud s’attache essentiellement à la nomination d’Alain Juppé à la Défense, jugeant que sa décision de rejoindre le gouvernement est la bonne.  Il explique sur son blog : "Je ne pouvais, en effet, imaginer qu’un homme de la stature d’Alain Juppé ne prenne pas part à la dernière ligne droite du quinquennat de Nicolas Sarkozy". Pour lui, "Alain Juppé vient, une fois de plus, de prouver qu’il est un homme d’État". Voulant rassurer les Bordelais, très divisés sur cette nomination, il conclue "que les Bordelais se rassurent, que les girondins comprennent. Bordeaux et l’Aquitaine restent au cœur des préoccupations d’Alain Juppé".

La charge de l’opposition

  • Le vice-président PS du conseil général de la Gironde, Gilles Savary, estime que ce gouvernement "n’est pas une surprise" et sa "composition" "n’indique rien d’autre qu’il s’agit plutôt d’un gouvernement pour le RPR". Parlant "d’étroite fermeture politique en famille", il juge que le fait de se "délester des gadgets Kouchner et Amara" revient à "fermer la porte de l’ouverture". Quant à sa décision de "claquer la porte au nez des centristes, [elle] est plus symptomatique de la partie de bras de fer feutrée qui s’est déroulée entre l’ Élysée et les vieilles barbes de l’appareil RPR ces jours derniers".
  • La député PS Martine Faure juge pour sa part "que le ridicule ne tue pas. Heureusement pour Nicolas Sarkozy et toute sa cour qui atteignent en ce domaine un paroxysme jamais atteint". Elle se moque de "ce grand remaniement" qui "n’accouche finalement que d’une souris", ironisant notamment sur "Alain Juppé et Xavier Bertrand" qui "reviennent : quelle surprise !"
  • Un sentiment partagé par une autre député PS, Pascale Got, qui parle d’un "non-remaniement", dont "le véritable vainqueur J. F. Copé", qui "a obtenu ce dont il a besoin pour son ambition politique : la direction de l’UMP."
  • Conseillère municipale PS à Bordeaux, Emmanuelle Ajon voit pour sa part ce remaniement comme un moyen "de tenir en haleine les Français" pendant que le gouvernement "fait passer des décrets peu glorieux" reflétant "un véritable déni du droit des femmes".
  • Quant au député Verts Noël Mamère, il utilise des métaphores cinématographiques pour souligner le "repli sur l’État-RPR du gouvernement Fillon 2". Sur son blog il juge que "pour l’ensemble du gouvernement, c’est "Potiches". Pour le social, c’est "Terminator 1 et 2". Pour l’écologie, c’est "la Grande Illusion". Pour les électeurs centristes, c’est "Les petits mouchoirs" !"
  • Pour sa part, la député PS Michèle Delaunay fustige sur son blog Alain Juppé et ses proches.

Le Nouveau gouvernement Fillon

Les Ministres du nouveau gouvernement Fillon

REUTERS, publié le 14/11/2010 à 19:35

C’est un gouvernement, très "RPR" et moins resserré que prévu, qu’a rendu public Claude Guéant ce dimanche soir. Parmi les entrants, Alain Juppé, Xavier Bertrand ou Frédéric Lefebvre. Hervé Morin, Jean-Louis Borloo ou Fadela Amara ne sont pas reconduits.


Alain Juppé, Xavier Bertrand, Christine Lagarde, trois des nouveaux poids lourds du nouveau gouvernement Fillon.  

Alain Juppé, ancien Premier ministre, et Xavier Bertrand, ancien ministre du Travail, font leur entrée dans un nouveau gouvernement moins resserré qu’annoncé, dans lequel Christine Lagarde conservera son portefeuille de l’Economie. 

  Le maire de Bordeaux, qui avait implicitement annoncé son retour au gouvernement samedi, est ministre de la Défense au sein de l’équipe Fillon, reconduit, que Claude Guéant a annoncé ce dimanche, à 20h15. 

Xavier Bertrand, qui laisse la direction de l’UMP à Jean-François Copé, est nommé à la tête d’un grand ministère social, englobant le Travail et la Santé. 

Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet remplace au ministère de l’Ecologie Jean-Louis Borloo, qui a choisi de ne pas rester au gouvernement pour reprendre sa "liberté de parole". 

Michèle Alliot-Marie passe du ministère de la Justice au ministère des Affaires étrangères et est remplacée place Vendôme par le centriste Michel Mercier

Le périmètre de plusieurs ministres est élargi: Luc Chatel (Education) récupère les portefeuilles de la Jeunesse et des Sports et Brun- Le Maire (Agriculture) s’occupe aussi de Ruralité et d’Aménagement du territoire. 

Frédéric Lefebvre, le controversé porte-parole de l’UMP, hérite du portefeuille de l’Artisanat, du Commerce, aux PME et au Tourisme. 

Woerth, Yade, Morin, Kouchner, Borloo… découvrez tous les ministres sortants dans notre diaporama

La liste du gouvernement: 

Premier ministre: François Fillon.

– Ministre de l’Ecologie, du Développement durable, du Transport et du Logement: Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet succède à Jean-Louis Borloo.

– Ministre de l’Economie, des finances et de l’industrie: Christine Lagarde est maintenue.

– Ministre en charge du Commerce extérieur: Pierre Lellouche, qui travaillera auprès de Christine Lagarde.

– Ministre en charge de l’Industrie, de l’Energie et de l’Economie numérique: Eric Besson succède à Christian Estrosi.

– Ministre du Budget, des comptes publics et de la fonction publique: François Baroin. Il est également porte-parole du gouvernement.

– Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Santé: Xavier Bertrand. Il succède à Eric Woerth.

– Ministre de l’Intérieur, de l’Outre-mer, des Collectivités territoriales et de l’Immigration: Brice Hortefeux conserve ses fonctions.

– Ministre en charge des collectivités territoriales: Philippe Richert (UMP), qui travaillera auprès de Brice Hortefeux.

– Garde des Sceaux, ministre de la Justice et des Libertés: Michel Mercier (centriste) succède à Michèle Alliot-Marie.

– Ministre des Affaires étrangères et européennes: Michèle Alliot-Marie succède à Bernard Kouchner.

– Ministre de la Défense et des Anciens combattants: Alain Juppé succède à Hervé Morin.

– Ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche: Valérie Pécresse est maintenue.

– Ministre de l’Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et de la vie associative: Luc Chatel voit ses compétences élargies.

– Ministre des Sports: Chantal Jouanno

– Ministre des Solidarités et de la Cohésion sociale: Roselyne Bachelot.

– Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication: Frédéric Mitterand est maintenu.

– Ministre de l’Agriculture, de la Ruralité et de l’Aménagement du territoire: Bruno Lemaire est maintenu à son poste.

– Ministre de la Ville: Maurice Leroy (député Nouveau centre et actuel vice-président de l’Assemblée Nationale).

– Ministre auprès du premier ministre, chargé des Relations avec le Parlement: Patrick Ollier, député UMP des Hauts-de-Seine et compagnon dans la vie de Michèle Alliot-Marie. Il remplace à ce poste Henri de Raincourt.

– Ministre de la Coopération: Henri de Raincourt.

– Secrétaire d’état à la cohésion sociale: Marie-Anne Montchamp, porte-parole du mouvement de Dominique de Villepin.

– Secrétaire d’état chargé du commerce, de l’Artisanat, des PME, du Tourisme, des services, des Professions libérales et de la Consommation: Frédéric Lefebvre.

– Secrétaire d’Etat chargé des Affaires européennes: Laurent Wauquiez.

– Secrétaire d’Etat en charge du logement auprès de la ministre: Benoist Apparu

– Ministre auprès du ministre de l’Intérieur, de l’Outre-mer et des collectivités territoriales: Marie-Luce Penchard.

– Secrétaire d’Etat auprès du Ministère du Travail, chargée de la Santé: Norra Berra.

– Secrétaire d’Etat chargé de la Fonction publique: George Tron

– Secrétaire d’Etat auprès de l’Ecologie, en charge des Transports: Thierry Mariani.

– Secrétaire d’Etat auprès de l’Education nationale, chargée de la jeunesse et de la vie associative: Jeanette Bougrab, l’ancienne présidente de la Halde.

Nouveau gouvernement resserré 26 membres

Le Nouveau gouvernement réserré avec 26 membres !
Certaines femmes de l’équipe Fillon devraient cependant être promues dans le nouveau gouvernement resserré à 26 membres (contre 37 actuellement).
Le chef de l’Etat devrait procéder en deux temps aujourd’hui : la nomination du Premier ministre le matin, et celle de la nouvelle équipe au complet dans l’après-midi ou la soirée, a-t-on expliqué hier soir tard de sources gouvernementales et à l’UMP. Outre l’hypothèse d’une reconduction de François Fillon à Matignon donnée comme quasi certaine, Alain Juppé devrait bien devenir ministre de la Défense.
Concernant le numéro deux du gouvernement, le ministre de l’Ecologie Jean-Louis Borloo qui convoitait Matignon, « des postes prestigieux lui ont été proposés : les Affaires étrangères, la justice, le même ministère mais très élargi et plus puissant… » ont confié des proches. « Jean-Louis Borloo examine ces propositions tranquillement », ont-ils précisé.
Parmi les échos sur ce remaniement figure, a assuré un membre de l’UMP, le souhait de François Fillon de voir le patron des députés UMP Jean-François Copé remplacer Brice Hortefeux à l’Intérieur. Dans ce cas, Brice Hortefeux pourrait prendre la tête de l’UMP, l’actuel secrétaire général, Xavier Bertrand, devant entrer au gouvernement.
Une hypothèse que Jean-François Copé aurait repoussée: «Je reste avec vous», a-t-il assuré dans un texto tardif aux parlementaires UMP, façon de signifier son objectif de diriger le parti.
Hier soir, le mercato gouvernemental était donc loin d’être bouclé. Certaines femmes de l’équipe Fillon devraient cependant être promues dans le nouveau gouvernement resserré à 26 membres (contre 37 actuellement).

Quel Blog offre les meilleures services ?

Lequel des trois choisir entre, and

WordPress, Blogger (blogspot) and LiveJournal are all blog-services that are free, allow users to input text, and are community driven and thus have privacy features.

Having used all three blog-services, I must say that out of WordPress, Blogger and LiveJournal, WordPress is best suited for my needs. Now I know I’m saying this ‘in’ WordPress, and so it looks like I’m sucking up, but actually I’ve found that WordPress, primarily because of it’s categories is more user-friendly for writing.

But let me give a more detailed explanation. (Blogspot) was the first blog-service I used. It was free, it was associated with Google (a company that I respect), and it offered me html editing (a feature that I really enjoyed using). But when I started using it for writing, I found that I really needed to categorise my work. Meaning, even if my blog was about one major topic, let’s say Linux, I wanted categories, like distributions, helps, reviews etc. Plus I also wanted to highlight a key post, something that would be accessible for all viewers easily. The way I worked around these needs to was to extend the links on the side, making special links for the posts I wanted highlighted. I also tried talking about one category in a month, so that the entire month becomes one category! It wasn’t that I would have stopped blogging if I didn’t get categories, but definitely I knew I needed them. I enjoyed blogspot, but something was missing. I knew it. (latest update: unconfirmed reports suggest that blogger now has categories)

Enter WordPress! I saw in action when another beginner blogger needed my help to edit his wordpress blog. When I saw his blog, I immediately wanted it. I must honestly admit that I was attracted by the blogstats! (It was so cool that it was part of the standard feature). But when I saw categories, I was floored!!! In fact, I thought it was a paid site because it offered so many things that I needed.

As soon as I helped him out (I had never seen/used WordPress before, but it was pretty simple to use). I went to my own computer, registered and to my utter amazement I saw the feature to import blogs! Earlier the only thing stopping me from changing would have been the fact that I would loose all my earlier work. But the attraction of categories especially was so high I was willing to sacrifice older posts, just to start blogging in a new (more organised) world. But with the import feature I was able to import all three of my blogs without too much problem. The only thing that happened was that because blogger and WordPress use images differently, I had to correct the links of a few of my photographs. Since my blogs are primarily text based, I found that not so bad.

Another feature that I really liked in WordPress was the ability to make static pages. This solved my problem for standard pages that I want everyone to be able to access. So for instance, this site has “which linux?” is on a separate page; it is a helpful quick-access page.

Then again, I really like the akismet spam protection… that protects my blogs by default. In my account, I received only about 5 spam messages… which is not so bad considering that my site is not that important, but at WordPress it has already blocked a few spam messages without me bothering too much. Nice.

I was also impressed by the WordPress’ dashboard that was more user-friendly (and more feature rich) than blogger’s dashboard. In fact, initially I preferred blogger’s dashboard because it was simpler… but I’ve come to love WordPress’ dashboards and features.

Finally, I was complete impressed that is built with WordPress software which is open-source… both free and free! Wow, now this is a great example of a quality open-source product that I would certainly love to be associated with!

After all this (and more), I was entirely sold out to WordPress.

As I continued using WordPress, one thing I really missed (from my days) was the ability to edit my page (CSS and all). Editing my page was something I really enjoyed in and wish I could have it in WordPress.

To WordPress’ credit, it was offered user-friendly template changes which are non-destructive… which mean that when I change a template, it preserves my previous link customization. For those who have used know that when you change a template you lose all your changes. To workaround, you need to have a copy of your relevant changes in a text file, and paste accordingly. This is unnecessary in WordPress that allows you to experiment in its limited but nice template range.

Another thing I missed was the ability to post through email. offers a helpful feature, where you have a unique email address for each post, and then, you just need to email your uploads. WordPress sadly doesn’t have this… maybe later it will.

Yet another thing I missed in WordPress was the ability to search other blogs from within the top-bar of In WordPress, while the search feature in our blogs are quite helpful (and better suited than on the top-bar in blogger), still I miss the ability to browse other sites.

As time has gone by I’ve found that I’m also veering towards Community Blogging. For that the issue of private/user oriented blogs have come. I was told (through articles etc) that LiveJournal has good community oriented blogging support. Both blogger and wordpress offer users with varying rights (administrator, editor, user etc) so I was curious what addition did LiveJournal have to make community blogging better.

I registered and in comparison to both blogger and WordPress I found LiveJournal cluttered and effect-heavy. It reminded me of MySpace, Yahoo 360 etc. Not something that I wanted for my community driven site.

As it turns out, LiveJournal is actually very geared towards community blogging, with ‘friends’ links all over the place. It has cute icon driven editing sites, but from the looks of it, it’s got a pretty standard look. But the key thing that put me off… ADS! To add to their cluttered look, I had to deal with their advertising. I understand that these services, are services, but when it comes to ad-free to with-ads, I can’t even think of using LiveJournal that does such a tacky job with ad-placement. (latest update: recently, LiveJournal revamped it’s look and ad-placement and the site is looking neater. But if you hate ads (especially ones that you are not directly benefiting from), you will never like wherever they put them).

I also didn’t enjoy using LiveJournal and quickly abandoned my blog there and urged my “community” to shift to WordPress instead. We’re primarily text driven, so maybe WordPress is best for that.

Perhaps LiveJournal and other blog-services are better suited for more video-music-picture sharing sites… and for that aspect I’m not sure whether WordPress matches up or not.

Summary: I return to my initial statement. Of the three popular blog-services I’ve used, I’ve found WordPress by far the best to suit my needs. It is organised, simple/user-friendly, growing in features… AND open source. There’s not much more that I need.



(latest update: For blogservice ratings, see this site:

I guess in a WordPress blog, you might probably expect a pro-WordPress review. However, I just read a post of someone leaving WordPress and moving to Blogspot. The main reasons seem to be the ability to edit CSS (layout) and the ability to have Adsense (the Google-based ad programme). This Adsense thing is really important to some people but WordPress doesn’t allow it. Another reason the author gives is that WordPress is a closed community, ie. ties you to WordPress blogs. While I know that is not true, because google recognises WordPress blogs, I still find myself going to other WordPress blogs more. So I guess some of his criticism is founded. The post is found here:

For other opinions see: This post which is more studied (research oriented) and very informative, people might find this more useful: And this post has a simpler pro-WordPress studied explanation.

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Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from

Logo symbolizes your business and is a very important element of your business mix. Despite the widely accepted significance of a well designed logo, it is very commonly ignored by many small and upcoming businesses the world over. Either these businesses do not have a business logo or even if they do it is not well designed. It is very crucial to have an appropriate logo for branding and communications purpose as it acts as an identity for your business.

Having researched some growing businesses that do not have a well designed logo we realized that the major reason for this ignorance was the cost associated in hiring a professional designers or a firm for designing a logo and basic stationary for the business. Entrepreneurs and small business owners found it impossible to spend huge sums of money due to lack of funds with their business in times of this economic downturn.

After repeated requests by our regular readers we decided to research some of the best online logo design firms and introduce the ones that we found to be better than the others to our readers. The first Online Design Firm that we will introduce to you is .

Based out of Northampton, PA provides excellent logo designing and branding solutions to Small and Medium businesses. We used their services to get a logo designed for one of our upcoming websites that will showcase content about traveling. The thing that we loved the most about is that within few hours of filling a short online form we were given a call from one their 9 design consultants who asked us of our needs and target market. They also advised us about the package that we should select based on our requirements. We were very impressed by the honesty of our Dedicated Design Consultant when he advised us to downgrade the package that we selected and go for a package which cost us a $100 lesser giving us the reason that our previously selected package would have too many services that we do not require and hence we would be spending money for things that we do not need and on top of that we were given a 25% discount. In the next 2 days we were sent 4 concepts for our logo and after few revisions that were requested by us in our selected design concept our logo was finalized and the final files were emailed to us. We were very impressed the qualities of support that they offer during the process making you feel a part of it. From filling the online form to getting our final files it took us around 4 days and the cost was only $75. has professional designers and design consultants that provide some very good advice on business branding. Also their website says that they offer 100% satisfaction guarantee, when we inquired from them that what does this guarantee actually means we were told that it is very simple. If you do not like the concepts that we design for your business, we will return your money back. But the real reason why we think that is very much suited to all small business is their pricing. They have packages starting from $75 for a logo design services. Also those of you who are satisfied with their current logos will love their brochure and marketing material design services. They cost only a fraction what other agencies will charge you but you will get great quality of work and most of all some serious consultancy about how to market your products to customers.

We would recommend our readers to check out the services offered by and send them an inquiry about services that are of your interest. We are sure you will find their services very useful and cost effective.

We will continue to bring you more reviews in this series in future. We would appreciate if you share your experiences about your services inquiry from